If a person goes missing, their location can be determined through technology – just track this phone number and a signal will indicate where they are. But what if we could also “track” and locate polluted areas on the planet that desperately need help? The world is full of places where nature is literally drowning in garbage, poisoned by toxic waste and destroyed by irresponsible human activity.
Environmental disasters are no longer just a threat – they are a reality. Every year mankind produces about 300 million tons of plastic, and most of it ends up in the oceans. Destruction of forests, oil spills, uncontrolled release of industrial waste – all this leads to catastrophic consequences for ecosystems. But the main thing is that this problem is not unsolvable. That is why today we propose to discuss some natural areas that are very much waiting for human help, to talk about why they are in crisis, what initiatives can already help to save them and what each person can do.
Black Sea (Russia) – Consequences of the Fuel Oil Spill
At the end of 2024, the Black Sea faced one of the most serious environmental disasters in its region: a massive fuel oil spill. Thousands of tons of oil products spread over the water surface and covered the beaches with a thick layer of black sludge. The water turned into a thick, oily substance in which marine animals and birds suffocated, and the once beautiful sandy shore, so loved by tourists was under a layer of oil products, so that the tourist season is threatened, and the environment has suffered enormous damage.
Why is this the biggest environmental disaster?
Fuel oil is one of the most toxic petroleum compounds. It both pollutes the water and causes irreparable damage to the ecosystem. Here are just a few facts:
- 80% of seabirds that have been in contact with fuel oil die due to loss of ability to fly and swim.
- Oil spills on water reduce the amount of oxygen, resulting in massive fish kills.
- Cleaning one square meter of coast from fuel oil can take from several months to several years. Thus, according to scientists’ forecasts, the coast will be unfit for human recreation, and oil products will continue to be thrown ashore for several more years.
It is very sad to hear about incidents of this magnitude. And so, all eco-conscious citizens here can have a question like, “How exactly can I help in this situation?” The good news is that everyone’s efforts are important and meaningful. And the first and one of the most effective ways to help is to participate in volunteer activities where people come together to clean up the coasts and save animals affected by the oil spill.
Supporting environmental organizations that work to restore ecosystems and minimize damage is also critical. Another way to do your part is to rethink your own consumption, i.e. reduce the use of plastic products and petroleum products, as well as to prefer eco-friendly alternatives. Remember that even small changes in your habits and life can play a significant role for protecting the environment.

Great Pacific Garbage Island
In the North Pacific Ocean, between Hawaii and California, drifts one of the most frightening man-made formations of man – the Great Pacific Garbage Island, that is literally a mountain of human garbage.Its area has already exceeded 1.6 million square kilometers (it is three times the size of France), and the weight of plastic garbage on it is about 80,000 tons.
Obviously, no one here needs to explain that this is a real disaster. Plastic trash doesn’t just float in the ocean – it breaks down into micro-particles that enter the food chain. Studies have shown that up to 90% of seabirds already have plastic in their bodies, and in some regions, there is more plastic in the water than plankton.
What exactly you can do to help:
- Refuse single-use plastic to reduce litter in the oceans and on land.
- Support waste collection and recycling programs to keep trash out of nature and out of waterways.
- Participate in global initiatives, such as The Ocean Cleanup, which develops technology to clean plastic trash from the oceans.
Fact to ponder: Much of the trash on Pacific Garbage Island is made up of “ghost nets” – abandoned fishing gear that continues to kill marine life.

Mangrove Forests of Southeast Asia
Do you know that Mangroves are essential ecosystems that play a key role in maintaining healthy coastlines? They protect our coastlines from erosion, mitigate the force of hurricanes and tsunamis, and serve as natural filters (purifying water and creating unique living conditions). Unfortunately, in the last 50 years, mankind has destroyed about 35% of mangrove forests, cutting them down to build resorts, create fisheries and expand farmland. This process continues, and every year there are fewer mangrove forests.
Why it is crucial to save mangrove forests:
- Mangrove trees absorb five times more carbon dioxide than conventional forests (which makes them an important tool in the fight against climate change).
- Mangrove forests provide habitat to unique and rare species of animals (more than 3,000 ones)
- Mangroves prevent flooding by holding soil and weakening the force of waves.
So, here you can consider several ways to help restore mangrove forests. One of the most effective is to participate in mangrove planting and restoration programs. Many eco-organizations and volunteer groups are holding tree planting events in the hardest hit regions.
Another way is to choose some seafood products consciously. Now you know that industrial fisheries often harm mangrove forests by destroying them to create fish farms. So, today you can prefer fish and seafood from responsible producers, we are supporting sustainable fisheries that do not destroy natural ecosystems.
Tip: You can become a part of volunteer groups to contribute to restoring and saving mangrove forests, but here you need to remember the importance of coordination. Many of these groups use trackers to track the location of participants and manage their safety and here you may consider the Number Tracker app. It is a modern solution to help you stay in touch with your loved ones and groupmates at all times so they don’t have to worry about your safety in remote or hard-to-reach areas.
Saving the Planet – Everyone’s Business
In a world where eco-disasters are becoming more and more real, each of us has the opportunity to do our part to save nature. Whether we help clean up coastlines, restore mangrove forests or consciously reduce our use of plastic, all of these actions are steps towards a future where nature and humans can coexist in harmony. And please remember that your efforts and even small changes in daily habits can lead to big results. The time to act is now – and each of us can make this world a little cleaner and better.